Prayers, or poems, of Lament are a way of expressing our sorrow and asking for God's help. The process of writing lamentations can be cathartic. There are different structures for poems or prayers of lament, here are some you can choose from.
(I have shared some I've written below these structures.)
Simple Lament
Simply say what's in your heart and ask God to help. There's no need for structure or anything, just let it all out and know God hears you and is with you.
Seven part lament
- Address to God
- Review of God's faithfulness in the past
- The complaint
- A confession of sin or claim of innocence
- A request for help
- God's response (not always included)
- A vow to praise or a statement of trust in God
Three part lament
- Protest: Tell God what is wrong
- Petition: Tell God what you would like done about it
- Praise: Expression of trust in God, based on God's character and previous action, even if you can’t see how that will happen
Five part lament
Address and introductory cry
Complaint or Lament
Confession of Trust
Prayer for Deliverance
Two part lament
What are you grieving over?
Name what's on your heart
Tell God what hurts and why
We trust that God is with us in all our pain and suffering
Thank God for being endlessly present in our world
Ask the Holy Spirit to bring more strength to all those who feel weak
Recommit yourself to being Jesus' light in the darkness, love in places of hate and peace in times of fear.
Here are some examples I've written.
God of all
There are so many people in need of help
Struggling to feed their families,worrying about how to pay their bills and feeling despondent about the future
We are inspired by the words and actions of Jesus to look after those in need and work for a better world
Please keep us energised as we campaign for justice
Be with those who run support services and inspire our leaders to see the suffering and make the changes needed to improve everyone's lives
We trust in your presence with us all and give thanks for the inspiration of your son Jesus Christ.
Do you hear us God? Anxiety overwhelms, like waves on the rocks, battering our hope.
We are surrounded with uncertainty, division and confusion. Please lead us safely each day.
We trust you through good times and bad. Help us to focus our hearts on you when we fear we will be overwhelmed.
Fill our hearts with joy and our minds with quiet, comforting our anxiety
Each morning we will rise in hope, for you God are with us leading us towards peace.
God of love
The world is full of trauma and unrest
It is hard to remember that the world is also full of hope
Please help us notice your presence in our lives, work towards a more equal world and celebrate our blessings each day
Living God
We ask you to calm the unrest in the world and halt those who hurt others
Keep encouraging generosity and understanding
To bring about peace across the world
In your name
Lord God
We know you are faithful in all things; in the hard, dark times as well as in times if joy.
Help us to move closer to you in times of grief and to trust you even when we do not understand your ways. Please keep our heads above the waters of anguish helping us to see you in these hard moments and to sense your loving presence.
In Jesus' name
God of love
be with those who are anxious or alone,
let everyone know that you are always with us
In loneliness, bring company;
in anxiety, bring hope
God of healing
Be with those who are ill or in pain,
Let them know that you hold them safe in every moment
Bring comfort, healing and strength to all who are ill
And energy and protection to those who are caring for the sick
God of peace
Be with those who are grieving
Bring your love and peace to the pain they feel
God of hope
Be with us today and everyday
God of the world
Bless all the living creatures
Open our eyes to their needs
Remind us that we are one species amongst many
Lead us as caretakers
God of love
Open our hearts fully
Remind us that love is eternal, freely given and unlimited
Help us love our neighbours as well as strangers
Warming the hearts of all we meet
God our friend
We often feel all alone in the world
Help us remember you are with us in every moment
In the easy tasks
In the hard tasks
You are our eternal support and friend
God of hope
Bless those in dark places
Where life can seem impossible
Surround them in your love and light their way in hope
Father God you are the only one who knows us inside and out, completely; we ask for more acceptance of that as we follow your calling on our lives. It isn't always easy to follow where you ask us to go but we are today reminded that you have excellent reasons and we should trust them.
God of Comfort
I feel like I'm slipping away
From the person I used to be
Reassure me
When I feel like I'm changing each day
And soon you won't see me
I feel like I'm no longer myself
That I'm a shadow of my former self
I keep praying for miraculous help but
I worry it's impossible
I can feel hopeless
But my faith still gives me hope
So each day I keep on praying
That's how I continue to cope
Surrounded by blessings
Thank you God
Creator God
We belong to the Earth as part of creation
Both giving and taking, in relationship with everything that lives
Help us to know this truth and to embrace our role to protect and nurture nature
Help us to leave the world better as a blessing not a curse
Living in harmony with nature we give thanks for your sustaining grace