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Gospel in 17 Syllables Books

This project started as a simple question: Can we drill down to the nugget of meaning in each week’s gospel reading in a mere 17 syllables?

The series of 3 books, and a collected edition, are a collaboration of three friends, myself, Andy Campbell and Rachel Summers, who were brought together by a mutual love of the Anglican lectionary and of the art of haiku. We wondered if we could use the pared back medium of the haiku to reflect on each week’s gospel reading.

Our hope is that it will support those preparing worship by distilling a meaning from the gospel reading, and that this might act as a springboard to their own thoughts and wonderings.

The gospel readings are based on the Church of England lectionary and would be of use to all those either involved in preparing worship, or simply preparing themselves to worship in a Church of England setting. This lectionary is also often used for churches in other traditions, and we have included bible references so these haiku can also be useful for anyone seeking to reflect on the scriptures on their own or with a group.

This series is available in individual years (A, B and C) or as a set with all 3 years included.

The books are available in paperback or on Kindle, you can find them at this link:

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