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Bringing together everything Emma
From Little Guy's Journey to prayer and ministry
With art, mental health and a whole load of poetry
You can read Emma's poems on Substack
​Or find all her creativity on Instagram and Facebook.


Emma Major
Jul 4, 20221 min read
Praying and Painting Every Day Exhibition
Praying and Painting Every Day Exhibition is now open at The Atrium in Reading. This is the biggest and most varied exhibition I have...
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Emma Major
Jul 3, 20221 min read
Interview about Acceptance on Raise Podcast
This week I had the amazing experience of chatting to my friend and encourager Carol Barwick of "Raise: raising confidence, inspiring...
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Emma Major
Jun 29, 20221 min read
Listen to your creative self
I feel creative all the time Wherever I am Awake and in my dreams Creativity heightens in nature As birdsong fills my ears And scents...
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Emma Major
Jun 29, 20222 min read
I painted the Queen and she liked it
That is not a sentence I ever thought I'd type, but this is the surreal life I now lead. In January 2022, as the country started to think...
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Emma Major
Jun 12, 20221 min read
Trinity Sunday
I've created three fluid art paintings to try and express the trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit This third painting stopped me in...
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Emma Major
Jun 5, 20221 min read
Pentecost Holy Spirit Paintings
Wherever you are However you feel Whatever your situation May you feel the love of God surrounding you May you hear the words of Jesus'...
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Emma Major
May 17, 20222 min read
Light of Hope Book
Available now...... Light of Hope Book. Art and Poetry by Refugees and their Friends. Cost £10 + postage & packing (£2 in UK). At least...
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Emma Major
May 2, 20222 min read
I am day 12 of 40 faces, 40 places journey
"Emma from Reading Sometimes whole-life discipleship looks like being vulnerable in community. Jesus said, ‘where two or three gather in...
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Emma Major
Apr 27, 20221 min read
Blessed to be published and exhibited once more
I checked my emails this afternoon and received 3 lovely pieces of news. 1. I have poetry and paintings in issue 5 of Wishbone Words -...
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Emma Major
Apr 13, 20221 min read
Lent 2022
I've been painting my way through Lent this year, making time each day, away from the craziness of book writing, book launches and art...
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Emma Major
Apr 9, 20224 min read
Emma Major - Author, Poet, Artist
Bringing into one place all the books I've written, collaborated on or been included in over the years. Caring for Creation Together...
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Emma Major
Mar 21, 20223 min read
Paintings and Poems for Ukraine
24th February News reports "there is war in Europe". War in Europe! Not a historical tale It's happening today. Russian troops have...
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Emma Major
Mar 10, 20222 min read
Daily Prayer and Bible Reading Resources
Daily Prayers Lectio365 from 24/7 prayer – free app based on Lectio Divina on both apple and android Daily Prayer app - free app on both...
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Emma Major
Mar 10, 20221 min read
Elegy for a Ravaged Sunflower
This powerful piece was composed by my friend Allan Moore. "Elegy for a Ravaged Sunflower" was inspired by seeing photos of the aborted...
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Emma Major
Feb 17, 20221 min read
How are you?
Two people meet in the street Hi how are you? Fine. You? Fine. Have a good day. You too. Or.... Hi. How are you? Fine. You? Not the best...
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Emma Major
Feb 12, 20221 min read
My painting of Her Majesty The Queen
I like to challenge myself and this was a challenge and a half. I can't quite believe I painted it, but pixel by pixel I got there. This...
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Emma Major
Feb 11, 20221 min read
40 Crosses to Colour In Prayerfully, Mindfully, Imperfectly, Creatively.
40 Crosses to Colour In Prayerfully, Mindfully, Imperfectly, Creatively. Perfect for the forty days of lent or advent, or more than...
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Emma Major
Jan 31, 20222 min read
Art Exhibition and Book Launch
You'll have to excuse my blind photography which isn't up to the standard of my blind artistry but..... Look what's up in the art gallery...
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Emma Major
Jan 31, 20221 min read
Lights Stuck On Red
There's something thrilling about holding your own book in your hands, even now when I can't actually read the words on the paper. These...
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Emma Major
Jan 14, 20222 min read
Creativity on Retreat
This week I'm on retreat at home. Retreating away from my normal routine, away from emails and meetings, away from expectations. I...
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As a digital artist Emma is able to offer her paintings in a variety of formats including originals on canvas, forex board or aluminium and as Giclee prints. She is also happy to discuss commissions so if you have an idea why not get in touch.

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