Of course I was inspired by the coronation, as a moment in history if nothing else.
The music was spectacular, I especially loved the baroque choir and orchestra before the service.
The ceremony and liturgy were mesmerising.
Spotting church people I know was fabulous.
And knowing that this would all become the history of tomorrow, and hopefully for the good if/when the monarchy modernises.
Of course there were major problems that can't be ignored including the police arresting people for possibly about to protest - this is not ok, never ok! The Government removing the right to peacefully protest is a terrifying thing and the law needs over turning. And the cost of the coronation - it is especially hard to take in times of economic hardship. But perhaps the fact that I include those negatives in this post is what really matters - balance is important.
You'll not be surprised that I was inspired to get creative on and since the coronation. So here are some drawings I've created.
First there's this very simple line drawing of Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis
Then there's this drawing of King Charles And Queen Camilla.
I've been playing with negative drawing - starting with black and revealing the image by laying on white and then Highlighting with simple black lines. I'm really pleased with how this turned out.
And finally here are updated and improved drawings of Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.
And finally finally, how about a profile illustration of King Charles.