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In Pain

Writer's picture: Emma MajorEmma Major

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

In this post I'm sharing a selection of paintings and poems from my series about living with pain, either physical or emotional.

In Pain


Navigation negates

Perpetual problems

Acceptance avoids



In the hush of night, I lie awake in pain,

Listening to rain's soft rhythm, its cadence a lullaby,

Wondering if sleep will ever come again,

While your peaceful breathing sings an untroubled sigh.

Memory dances like shadows against my mind’s pale wall,

Trying to conjure dreams where quiet rest resides,

But many nights drift by with their heavy thrall;

Unrefreshed wanderings are all that this heart abides.

Will slumber find me beneath the fear I swallow?

Each drop outside reflects my restless plight;

I grasp at hope for a calming peace tomorrow,

Sleep’s gentle kiss feels elusive as night.

So here I remain, a sentinel of despair,

Awake in pain while the world dreams unaware.

There's an advert on TV

A painkiller advert

It talks about the language of pain

About how we're either in pain

Or we get relief from pain

And it hits me like a brick

I don't know when I last had pain relief

I've had pain reduction

I've coped better with pain

But relief?

That's not something I even dream of

And this isn't a pity party

I'm not asking for sympathy

I'm just sharing my reality

Pain is part of my every day

For so many people pain is never far away

It is a constant

Possibly variable

Often unbearable

Yet we bare it

We cope

We live life our way

With a smile

And an "ok"

Even when we're far from ok

When the pain is eating away

At our energy

Our positivity

Our ability to be

How we long for relief

To be able to breathe

Without tension

To live without the grief

That is caused by pain

Head shoulders knees and toes

Pain with me everywhere I go

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose

When it ends, no one knows

Life frozen solid

Yearning for spring

Whilst nocturnal nuances

Leave us fearing

Are we forgotten

Did we even exist?

Can anyone hear us

Are we crossed off the list?

Chasms of goodbyes

Hide silently within

Whilst debris of our lives

Are left as ruins

I'm sorry I cancelled again

You see I was overtaken by pain

I wish I could guarantee each day

That everything would be OK

But that's not the life I live

I hope, again, you can forgive

The pain crippled her

Morning, noon and night

Tormenting her every moment

Determined to win the fight

The fight she never chose

Didn't know even existed

Yet one day she woke to find

To this battle she'd enlisted

The battle was with herself

She slowly came to find

Pain could not be beaten

What a criminal mastermind

There was no other choice

She had to keep on going

She turned her back on war

The future without knowing

Could she find a way

To negotiate a peace

Would pain accept a deal

To give her some release

She tried to understand

The issues that pain brought

To offer some solutions

But it all came to nought

Running was her only option

Yet no option at all

Her legs wouldn't cooperate

She'd fall and fall and fall

Yet she kept on trying

Each day a new attempt

Mediating agreements

No option exempt

The pain slowly retreated

In the background it remained

Still a constant presence

But in a box contained

The war with pain was over

They lived an awkward peace

There never was surrender

Neither found release

They gained an understanding

A way to coexist

She listened to pain's needs

Wrote up quite a list

Then focused on the future

A way to thrive again

She found a way of living

Her best life despite the pain

Pain is irrevocably in love with the dark

Taking advantage of the long silent hours

As dawn breaks, your words are a light in the dark

Lightening my heavy heart

Then, when the dam of grief breaks

You pull me from the water to safety again

Reminding me that I can still fight

Though it's also ok to accept what will be

On the days I long to hibernate

You whisper conversations into the void

And when yet another night approaches

You whisper a light of hope in the dark


Truer than the literal truth

To those that know


We search the skies patiently

Hoping for rainbows


Broken into pieces

Hugged back together

Longing for spring

Warmth emanating

Through every touch

Every day I wake

A different person again


I'm sitting here again forcing my heart to beat

In a place where I hope the dark can't reach

Searching for glimmers of hope every day

Only faith can chase my fears away



Every dream

As an impossibility

Living is limited

In the constantly


Test tube of



Silent marauder

Not merely malevolent


You unbidden invader

It is time for eviction

Unsettling sight

Within the mirror I see

Secrets revealed

Refractions of lost beauty

Without visibility

The painting below may not look like a person in pain....

And that's the point!

You can't tell how much pain someone is in by looking at them.

Please don't ever assume anything about someone else, and definitely not about their pain, exhaustion, health or mental health.

Surviving in pain

Breathing vapours of sorrow

Excluded from life

Beneath the ice of life

I feel warmth unexpectedly

Through the fog of anxiety

I have lived in obscurity

Now the sun touches gently

The frozen parts of me




I start to defrost

My inner truth opens

To be reborn vulnerably

Under the light of eternity

In Pain Zine

You can read each page of the zine by clicking on them in the gallery below.

In the gallery below you can find some more paintings I've created over the years, again on the theme of pain. Some of these are included in my book Dormiveglia: Living with Long Covid which is available for all your normal bookshops.

There is Hope

It may feel as if everything is changing



But despite the fear and anxiety 

Amidst the grief

There is always hope 

It may be only a glimmer 

A blue sky on an autumn day

A kind word along the way

But when we let these moments simmer

They start to grow from a speck of light 

Into a glow that warms the heart

Reminding us that change may be hard

But in that journey there is positivity

Even when it's out of sight

It still shines a light 

And finally...

There is always hope, no matter what situation we are in, no matter how impossible life feels, no matter what fears we are feeling, there's always hope.

Hope that the sun will shine

Hope that spring blossom will bloom

Hope that pain will reduce

Hope that we can hug again

Hope that prayers will be answered

Hope that peace will descend

Hope that poverty will be eradicated

Hope that smiles will be seen once more

Hope that love will conquer all

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